
Our top 10 tips on how to stay focussed whilst working from home;

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With many people returning to work (from home) after the Easter break, we thought it might be useful to share our top tips on staying focussed.

  1. Try to stick to as normal routine as possible – shower, get dressed, have breakfast, coffee and start work. You’ll be set up for the day and a lot more productive!


  1. If space allows, create or utilise a proper workstation. A separate work and living area are important – you don’t want to be working, sleeping and relaxing in the same space 7 days a week.  We all need to switch off.


  1. Mimic your office – put some music on in the background (give the room some ambience) and set your work space so you have everything you need – laptop, phone, pen, notebook – that way you won’t keep getting distracted looking for things.


  1. Write a to do list – you’ll feel so much better ticking off that check list.


  1. If you’re the type of person to get distracted easily, put your phone on ‘do not disturb’ or try turning off notifications for apps like Facebook and Instagram – only checking your phone at lunch time.


  1. Take a lunch break, get some fresh air and move away from the screen at set times during the day.


  1. Avoid watching the news (especially gossip columns!) during work hours, for a lot of people this adds to anxiety and can cause a dip in productivity. Stick to industry related news where you can.


  1. Don’t work more than you need to – we know its tempting to check emails and carry on out of office hours – but it can easily lead to mistakes and ‘burn out’. You will feel so much better and be a lot more efficient for it.


  1. Maintain contact with your colleagues – missing the banter in the office and your peers is one of the hardest things abut working from home – use Zoom or FaceTime not just for business purposes but also for social – try Friday night drinks after work!


  1. You will need to find what works for you and how best to set up your day, however, we hope that our suggestions will help you stay more focused and productive.

Please do get in touch if you have any questions regarding the current situation and employment – we would be happy to help.

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