There’s always been an issue about workplace dress codes which was highlighted earlier this year with the case of Nicola Thorp who was sent home from a temporary role for not wearing heels between 2 – 4 inches high.
Since then there has been a petition at parliament and a report which outlines how discriminatory dress rules at work are banned under the Equalities Act 2010. But how much are these rules and laws getting across in the work place?
It is standard and common place that most businesses use dress-codes as a way to portray their corporate company image, which can mean imposing restrictions or requirements on what workers wear. The dress code covers everything from clothing to footwear, but can also extend to jewellery, hair length or style, beards, tattoos and body piercings.
Having said that, there is still some unspoken etiquette regarding interviews, especially in the commercial industry. Being well presented in a conservative fashion is recommended for interview – wearing a suit and being smart and well presented is the safe way to ensure a good impression. Using a recruitment agency in your job search will give you the upper hand as we are in a unique position to know exactly what companies are expecting to help you have the best possible chance at making a positive first impression.
If, however, you are unsure of the dress code that’s expected of you by your current employer contact the HR department to see what the dress code is. More often than not there will be a reason for the company’s dress code and it’s important to know what it is to see if it’s something that you can abide by or if there is an issue with discrimination.